Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mine Craft Shoes

Is your child into Mine Craft? Why not make him Mine Craft Creeper shoes just because.

What you will need:
Tubes of Craft Paint in different shades of green, black, silver, and a cream one.
Fine Paint brush
Plain slip on shoes - I found these at K mart for $8!!!

What to do:
Prepare your design template. I just used graphing paper to plan the colors to be put into each square.
Transfer the template onto your shoe.
Start painting and let it dry.

I made sure that the heel of the shoes also have a design.

It's amazing how there are different kinds of paint available at the craft store. What's important to nore is that you need to read the labels and make sure that they can go and stay on fabric. I used mostly acrylic paint, and some of the greens are all purpose paint. For the finer lines, such as when I need to clean off the edges, I used a fine tipped fabric marker. You can also find those at the craft store.

For this other shoe, I made a mistake in the design template so thought of bleaching it, but ended up staining the shoe, so I had to do a different approach for the template on this one. The challenge with this design is making sure that I had equal squares and that it matches the other shoe. Meaning I can make sure to draw the same amount of squares and center it perfectly to match the other one.

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